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Get Your Purple Sand - Take The Purple Sand Challenge

Join the Hamilton County Coalition as we host Social Media Challenges and Virtual observances.

Purple Sand Challenge

Get Your Purple Sand At the Soul Food Friday Pop-up Event!

Come Get Your Purple Sand! Available Friday August 28, 2020 Only @ the Soul Food Pop-up to organizations and community members. Pick up you bag of purple sand along with an information card and the hashtag to use when posting to Social Media. Please encourage others to share the experience on social media. Here are details on how to post the purple sand on social media:

Spread the purple sand provided outside (this can be spread in the cracks of the sidewalk or you can write a message with the sand….. really whatever you want, Just Get Creative!

Here are few message suggestions:

use the sand to write "#IOAD or

#EndOverdose" on the sidewalk or parking lot

Once all of the sand has been spread, take a picture of the sand and post the picture on social media platforms

Use the hashtag #EndOverdose and #IOAD2020 and tag the Hamilton County Coalition in your post.

Make sure to encourage others to post and repost on their social media accounts

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